Wednesday, April 18, 2012


One of my best friends, Rachel tagged me in a blog post and wanted to know the answers to these questions:

1. What is your number one desired travel destination?
Hmmm...Sean and I have a few goodies on our list.  We've always wanted to go to the Virgin Islands.  And lately, we've been hearing a lot of good things about Turks and Caicos.  I know this is going to make me sound stupid, but until about a year ago, I had never even heard of it!

2. What would you do if you were granted a day without any responsibilities?
Sleep in, for starters.  And then go shopping, lay out, and hang out with Sean all day.  Basically nothing, that's my dream.

3. Aside from something responsible (paying off debt, down payment on a house, saving) what is something you'd buy if someone gave you $100,000?
A new wardrobe and a boat probably.

4. What is a favorite memory from college?
Ahhh! There are so many to choose from!  Probably some of the best were dance parties in Apt 311 my first semester of college, maybe more specifically the surprise party Noel and all my good friends threw for me.  It was my one and only surprise party, and it was so fun!

5. What is a song that has a strong tie to a great memory?
Rachel Hope, you know I can't listen to Gold digger by Kayne West without thinking of you and our trip to California!

6. How old were you when you had your first kiss?
Haha, sadly sixth grade.  Which is weird, because I was always such a kissing prude.  I always said I would stop at 10, and I did. :) 

7. What is your all time favorite tv show?

8. Who is your celebrity crush?
Ahhh! So many to choose from!  Definitely Ryan Gosling, I never really got over him after seeing the notebook.  But my childhood celebrity crush was Paul Walker.  But since Sean makes fun of him incessantly, he's lost some spark.  And who wouldn't say Channing Tatum, if he just wouldn't talk (or act) he would be hotter.  (I'm well aware he's a terrible actor, he's just soooo pretty to look at. :)

9. What is one of your favorite Sunday activities?
Naps, no thinking that one over.

10. What is something or someone you think is extremely overrated?
Kristen Stewart.  Can we all admit that she is the WORST ACTRESS EVER.  I mean, there is NO ONE that is worse than she is.  She's so bad!!!  At times, it actually has hurt my eyes to look at her pathetic acting.  Second of all, she is NOT CUTE!  She doesn't smile, she dresses terribly, she doesn't even stand up normally, and she's just soooooooo ugly!  Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!  Why does everyone love her?  She is one of the wealthiest 20 something year olds, and she still can't afford some acting classes?!  Ugh, I could go on forever.  And someone, please teach this girl how to smile.  Kristen, hasn't someone told you that you're freaking rich? 

11. Have you ever skinny dipped? (I have skinny dipped with a few of you on the tag list, ha!) 
Haha, yes.  Only once that I can remember.  I was with Noel, Kaycee, and Susan in Rexburg at Rigby Lake.  Why does everyone always skinny dip at that nasty lake?  

1 comment:

Rae said...

Yaaay! I love these! Thanks for playing. :)
And I had the same thought, we did we all skinny dip at Rigby Lake??